This lib provides a series of data anonymizer classes, compliant with brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (aka LGPD, in pt-br)
What is GPDPL (or LGPD)?
According to Wikipedia,
The General Personal Data Protection Law (Brazil) 13709/2018 (Portuguese: Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais, or LGPD), is a statutory law on data protection and privacy in the Federative Republic of Brazil. The law’s primary aim is to unify 40 different Brazilian laws that regulate the processing of personal data. The LGPD contains provisions and requirements related to the processing of personal data of individuals, where the data is of individuals located in Brazil, where the data is collected or processed in Brazil, or where the data is used to offer goods or services to individuals in Brazil.
The LGPD became law on September 18, 2020 but its enforceability was backdated August 16, 2020. Sanctions under the regulation will only be applied from August 1, 2021.
The national data protection authority responsible for enforcement of the LGPD is the Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados, or ANPD.
Further information can be found at:
Installing via composer CLI:
composer require corviz/br-gpdpl
Or add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"corviz/br-gpdpl": "1.*"
Usage examples
Hide any character:
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\GenericAnonymizer;
$text = 'my content';
$anonymizer = new GenericAnonymizer($text);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //**********
To keep starting or ending characters untouched, just inform how many of them you’d like to do so. For example:
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\GenericAnonymizer;
$text = 'my content';
$keepStart = 2;
$keepEnd = 3;
$anonymizer = new GenericAnonymizer($text);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //my*****ent
Documents - CPF
This will work with or without separators:
- 999.999.999-99
- 99999999999
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\CpfAnonymizer;
$document = '999.999.999-99';
$anonymizer = new CpfAnonymizer($document);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //'999.***.***-**'
Documents - CNPJ
This will work with or without separators:
- 11.111.111/1111-11
- 11111111111111
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\CnpjAnonymizer;
$cardNumber = '11.111.111/1111-11';
$anonymizer = new CnpjAnonymizer($cardNumber);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //'11.1**.***/1111-**'
Documents - RG
This will work with or without separators:
- 12.345.678-0
- 12345678X
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\RgAnonymizer;
$cardNumber = '12.345.678-X';
$anonymizer = new RgAnonymizer($cardNumber);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //12.345.***-*
Credit card numbers
This will work with most common separators or no separators at all:
- Spaces: 1234 5678 9012 3456
- Hiphens: 1234-5678-9012-3456
- No separators: 1234567890123456
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\CreditCardNumberAnonymizer;
$cardNumber = '1234 5678 9012 3456';
$anonymizer = new CreditCardNumberAnonymizer($cardNumber);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //1234 56** **** 3456
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\EmailAnonymizer;
$cardNumber = '';
$anonymizer = new EmailAnonymizer($cardNumber);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //u****
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\NameAnonymizer;
$cardNumber = 'João da Silva';
$anonymizer = new NameAnonymizer($cardNumber);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //João********a
Phone numbers (Including international)
Accepted formats:
- Local: 3000-1234
- Local celphone: 90000-1234
- DDD: (11) 3000-1234 or (11) 90000-1234
- DDI: +55 11 91234-5678
- International: +1 (415) 555-2671
- All above, without masks: +5511912345678
use Corviz\BrGpdpl\Anonymizer\PhoneAnonymizer;
$cardNumber = '+55 11 91234-5678';
$anonymizer = new PhoneAnonymizer($cardNumber);
echo $anonymizer->anonymized(); //+55 ** *****-5678